> Ron's: KitKat, Have a break..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

KitKat, Have a break..

Those who regulars me on msn or facebook chat or even sms will have known that I've been busy these days...I wanna reply but there's too many things to do +.+

A few months back, I wouldn't expect I would do something like
-Went to sleep at 5a.m and woke up at 5.40 to catch the earliest bus(Surprisingly, I didn't sleep much in class :D)
-Do hw/assignment until 2-3am usually & wake up at 5.40 T.T
-Crying out loud for grace from God for a break!! today i just submitted 4full reports..Da**

I'm soooooooo waiting for the sem break starting next month :D
I hope can go work for that 3 weeks..I don't have enough money lah! I'm telling the whole world now my atm only got ?k+.. =...= LOL
But I need a break..so..not gonna do that

Ahh...I actually haven't had a break since May 2009 (haih)..
After I stopped my part-time job, I straight away entered Form6, just for fun i guess..my curiosity about what form6 is like had made me do that lol..I just got a glimpse of how they study n all..Just for a few weeks but it was fun :D
Then I decided t go Utar..The 1st week of the form6 holiday, I started my life as an Utarian..
God knows i need a break..haih

Working like a machine? Have a kitKat have a break..lolness
Anyway..Someone graduated last week (hehe) my gf lah! (don't worry..i'm not ah beng for using the "lah" slang XD )
Oops..it's actually Howard See's gf..Yi's sis aka. MeiShi
She had Convocation last Friday and I was having Maths test that day..was unable to attend (haih)...was stucked at the brain sucking/blasting test instead ~.~

Here's the fresh-graduate Business Admin Degree holder (I think so...)

Outside Wisma MCA, after convo
Fuiyo! Hands full of stuffs
Jian & gf attended too :D
Cute Blythe attended too...MuacksMuacks..LOL
Warning: Camwhore
haha...we hyped up too much..XD
these 2 38girls ah...~.~
Yi looks so comical XD hahaha..
I love this shot..too bad the backdrop :(
samo so blurr
Les in action!
My aunt..We happened to have 2 piece of that graduate cloth thingy..SO here she is..
Smiling like she's a real graduate eh? haha!
She kept saying "I study 1 year in secondary school also can graduate Hahaha"..and yes..she did the haahaha thing lol..
After taking off the cloth..we laughed alot..She was really funny XD
She said "You all think I'm 38 po isit?" few times and we continued laughing haha~
There's a vid of it..but i haven't got it with me.. hehe
My grandma also want to join in the fun..haha
The pic i like the most...XD


Ding Dong..12am..it's someone's b'day again!! 8.8 who else? It's Miss Ymoon >.<
We went to eat steambut and enjoyed ourselves..It had been a long time since the J4 peeps gathered :D
Here's everyone except YannWay & QiaoYen..dun regret u guys didn't go..haha~
Wow...we did took alot of pics..I really liked them along with the convo pics of my cousin hehe..
I was tired while in both occasion but i enjoyed myself & had a temporary break..Thanks ^o^

Okay..We're still comical as ever :D
Here are the set of pictures..Enjoy XD
I liked this pic but doesn't have everyone in it..O.o
Alex had to do this because of his "bigger" size nowadays..if not he'll block ppl..
Just like what brain did to cheng..Haix...Brain..so useless =.= go block ppl for what
Cheng was non-existant behind that big guy Brain..
toast~ to Ymoon
Alex with his ever horny face
oooooohh..duck forgot to take off his glasses like everyone did -.-
Ymoon, Amy, Yee, Peng
Buahaha!! A picture can tell a thousand words...
Obviously these 2 pics proved that :D

Duck with his green forehead..And us in captivity
WoW!! did you see our potential to be a model??
See the similarity of these 2 pics?..Haha xD

Brain had a stomachache and headache..pity pity
>.<>Us again :D
Eat eat...2nd round^^
Peng and Duck..me feeding a duck to eat Pork haha~
Me with my well known pose XD
2 chickens holding each other's wing :D
B'day girl~ happy sweet 18!
Lastly, we did the usual formation but it looked nice ^o^

The 1st from the left is me..posing a seductive pose HAHA
lol!! we looked so funny hahaha!
Alex can only be seen by 1 nostrils and 1 eye
Good job for Ymoon, b'day gal to have brought us together once again hehe..
I had fun..with family, with friends
Till then!