> Ron's: All about brows

Thursday, February 25, 2010

All about brows

Omg can someone tell me where or how to shave the eyebrows to look like this?
Dang...I seriously think it's cool cuz it looks like a scar if seen from far..
I've been asking around and many reaction starts with "omg"
hahaha..oh dang..where can i do this >.<
please leave a comment if you do know where to do it! haha

Well..if that guy looks familiar to you..he's the NGU from the Universal Soldier Regeneration movie..haha~
I just love his looks ^o^

Anyway..Semester 3 starting in a few days time and i'll be busy again T.T
It's just for 7 weeks tho hoho
Right now I just can't stop shooting enemies in Crysis Warhead!

And here's the illustration
haha.. I'll do this for the starters hehe


neal chin yung kit said...

ron.. dont dream of having those eye brows =)