What am i thinking? Random thoughts
This is just another random post that just ran through my mind and i've stop playing Devil May Cry4 for a period of time(Oh Gawd i do LOOVE that game!! and Command&Conquer..come my house play la XD)..As i said..I can't continue playing games unless i read books =.=
These few days i've been stuck to the book "To kill a mockingbird" although i've been having difficulty understanding some pages and sentences here & there haha..
As my mind wanders...I thought back of the time of 5Dinamik class party..It was memorable in the way that...It was my 1st time driving alone..And..It was my 1st time fetching people as well ^^
It was alot of fun and at the end of the day Santhi msg-ed me and said
"Thanks Foong..Having a ride in ur car is more fun than class party"
Haha...I will remember that day : )
I particularly enjoy the talk show we held haha...the meat too...I will remember the taste!!
I have made my choice but in the end he'll doubt it...I'm sick of it...I've made up my mind..
I'm not 100% sure i'm making the right decision..But i'm sure of what i want...
Just hopefully i can make a bunch of new friends at my new school..
I felt as if i'm drifting apart from friends which i can't avoid..And my family too...I will be back every weekend!! haha..Damn sad
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